Monthly Archives: February 2020


L’ESTIMATEUR GÉNÉRAL integrates with Dreeven

We are proud to announce today the integration of data from L'ESTIMATEUR GÉNÉRAL software in Dreeven's collaborative construction project management platform! Team Dreeven is always mindful of industry needs and is dedicated to simplifying the daily life of all entrepreneurs and thus avoiding double data entry! The original post is in

2020-11-05T16:44:24-05:00February 27th, 2020|Construction, News, Technology|0 Comments

Annie will give a conference on the digital shift at the CEGQ congress

Conference Each construction project generates a quantity of information and data that needs to be managed so it can be prioritized, shared, and archived Managing this information is critical and brings its share of challenges. Too often the lack of communication, due to lack of time, is a source of conflict.

2020-11-06T10:47:25-05:00February 19th, 2020|Construction, News, Technology|0 Comments
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