

ADRIQ-RCTi Finalists in “Gala des prix Innovation”

Another wonderful accomplishment for Dreeven's team, finalists in gala des prix Innovation 2020 by ADRIQ-RCTi. We are extremely proud to be part of the Innovation | Young Entrerise category. The management of change requests is a critical activity that allows a client, a professional, an entrepreneur or a subcontractor to be in

Annie will give a conference on the digital shift at the CEGQ congress

Conference Each construction project generates a quantity of information and data that needs to be managed so it can be prioritized, shared, and archived Managing this information is critical and brings its share of challenges. Too often the lack of communication, due to lack of time, is a source of conflict.

2020-11-06T10:47:25-05:00February 19th, 2020|Construction, News, Technology|0 Comments
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