Yearly Archives: 2021


Our platform is the subject of an article in the journal Les Publications Industrie et Commerce

Go to the Article Our collaborative platform designed for the construction industry is featured in the February-March 2021 edition of the journal Les Publications Industrie et Commerce. The article describes, among other things, the history of the company, as well as the various features, and many advantages of

2021-03-25T09:36:32-05:00March 11th, 2021|Change requests, Construction, News|0 Comments

Intelligently Automate Your Project Change Requests!

Conference The 2021 edition of the CEGQ congress took off today and here is what you missed on this first day: Increasingly entrepreneurs need to turn to digital technologies to advance their company. Understandably so. Annie Chantelois from the Dreeven spoke about the management of change requests in real-time. During the execution of a

2021-03-23T08:36:23-05:00February 8th, 2021|Change requests, Construction, Webinair|0 Comments

Feburary 8 2021 – Managing Change Request in Real Time

Conference Managing changes during the execution of a construction project is complex. Changes too often involve significant amounts of income and expense. Additional lead times must be granted in time to ensure the progress of the project and promote cordiality of the parties involved. The administrative burden of building complete change requests is also

2021-02-03T15:57:43-05:00February 3rd, 2021|Change requests, Construction, Webinair|0 Comments
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