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Workforce shortages in the construction industry

Earlier in June, La Presse reported that 9 out of 10 companies were struggling with a labor shortage.

The problem? They can no longer meet their deadlines, and are struggling to compete for projects.

There’s no denying it: the construction industry is lagging behind in the adoption of digital technologies, and particularly so in Canada.

Citation from Sammy Hudes at La Presse in Toronto

Going digital to overcome workforce shortages

Embarking on a digital transformation is a guaranteed way of ensuring your company’s long-term viability, despite the challenges created by a shortage of workforce:
Libérer des ressources

Free up resources

With the automation of administrative tasks, you free up resources to focus on the success of your projects and the overall profitabilitý of your business. Digital management tailored exclusively to the construction industry puts an end to granular responsibilities, document overload, double — or even triple! — data entry, and hand-written information.
Sauver du temps

Save time

Centralized documentation gives all collaborators complete visibility of the operations that concern them, access to their assigned tasks and real-time communication, all within a single platform. This collaboration between cross-functional teams increases efficiency and frees up time for competing for major projects.
Faire plus avec moins

Do more with less

Real-time monitoring of projects progress enables you to optimize resource allocation and anticipate changes and setbacks. This overview of all ongoing activities, both on-site and at the office, ensures compliance with deadlines and total customer satisfaction.
Maximiser les ressources

Maximize resources

In a context where it’s increasingly difficult to bring a project to completion because there simply aren’t enough manpower to do it, thinking outside the box can be a game-changer. In the constant quest for innovation to tackle industry challenges, Artificial Intelligence is at the heart of this evolution. With a platform dedicated to constantly improving its functionalities, you can maximize your resources.

So why so much resistance in making the digital shift in Canada?

Integration time and the excessive costs associated with new technology are the two main obstacles for companies reluctant to go digital.

A unique integration method and affordable licenses

Dreeven has a unique method for the integration of its platform and customized support with a step-by-step approach, in addition to a user-flow to guide you through each feature.

Dreeven has competitive pricing and works on a per-license basis. With subscriptions starting at $6 per month and free collaborator licenses, your teams will be up and running in record time.

With nearly one in two construction companies planning to spend a tenth of their budget on digital transformation,
don’t miss the opportunity to gain a competitive edge.